Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Date - Tuesday; March 11, 2008

Time - 5:15AM

Where - Barcelona, Spain!

We made it! Yes we did and I believe we are on time too. Wheww... barely got any sleep on the airplane so I'm aware my jet-lag will definitely be out of control. Margarita!!! No not the drink but the name of the lady I sat beside on the plane. I had to remind myself to ask for her name before we got to Spain. We exchanged emails (how weird even for me cause I rarely do that) and said our good-byes and good-lucks. Everything just went by smoothly at the airport except for the baggage claim. I feel like I'm at the airport back home; it takes forever to get your bags back from that place. Ugh, finally got my bag after I must have watched it go past me like 3 or 4 times! Then time to get on nthe bus... yeah, no bus. Well at least not at the time we were all ready to go. Still no bus. Oh yeah, it'll be here in an hour. Nope, nothing yet. Some time went by and.... alright we're ready, let's go get on the bus. 47 people and loads and loads (ok there were a lot of bags but I might be exaggerating a little here) of bags and luggages head outside the airport but still no bus! My head is going to explode from sleep deprivation but I force myself to snap out of it. The weather is gorgeous but I think it's still cold. Well at least I think so because I'm shivering. I'm always shivering lol. I'm more of a summer person anyway. Finally the bus arrives Woohooo! And it definitely looks like something from the future. Absolutely nice inside and out. I'm impressed.

Our tour guide was also nice. She just told us her name but I don't know how to spell it. She also said it's a common name in Spain so maybe I'll ask her later. She knows her stuff, I mean her wealth in knowledge about almost everything in Barcelona is nothing short of amazing! Well she is a tour guide you know but I still give her credit. Everything here is so beautiful even the older sections of the city. Some buildings are just magnificent. The thought and labor that have been put into them is just beyond me. Very inspirational. We stopped to take pictures somewhere on the mountains/hills near MIRAMAR. Hmmm... breathtaking - the view.

We had another stop; window shopping, food for some, others like me just walked around and admired everything. We finally get to our last stop to our hotel (NH Duc De La Victoria). Oh my goodness, look at all the luggages! Checked in at the hotel, met my roommate KK, got acquainted, tried to settle in, took our turns in the shower and went straight to bed. Total bliss!

Dinner at the Mussol Restaurant was very nice. We had an appetizer, and then some chicken and potatoes, and then dessert - I believe it was lemon merengue. Pretty much had my very first taste of red wine! Umm... yeah it was definitely bitter but I was advised that it wasn't necessarily the best wine to start with. Acquired taste, I hear. We'll see about that...

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